Should You Hire an Independent College Counselor?                   by Patti Brugman

By Patti Brugman

         To hire an Independent Counselor or do it on your own, which is better for you?  Many people do their own taxes and even change their own tires.  Some students are extremely aggressive when it comes to the college hunt and are working now on their future plans. Others plan to go to PCC and take advantage of the TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee) to the UC system in two or three years. None of these people need to call an independent college counselor.

         It is good to note, however, independents do a lot more than get kids “in” to choice schools. Counselors are educators for the whole family. They advise you about majors, careers, colleges in different states and price ranges, the difference between a college and a university, the advantages of a small school over a large one, or how to make a large school feel like a small school!  We also know the admissions personnel at colleges around the country and talk with them all the time.  When students come to us late in the process (and in crisis), we have the knowledge and tools to address their problems.

         So, why not begin now with an independent college counselor?  Having someone at your side advising you about your college list, your extra curricular activities, your service projects and the strength of your application essay really helps ease your stress. With the right kind of advice, good students should be accepted into the best schools and the average student should be able to find a school that will offer him/her merit money.

         We have watched the family fights quiet down after we listen to the needs and fears of both the family and the student. Some students are afraid of getting a B in AP Physics, while the parent just wants him/her to take a little interest in college.  Other students are afraid he/she won’t get in anywhere while the parents are afraid they won’t be able to pay for any college!  These are all problems we solve.

         And when it comes to all the writing, no parent wants to scream and yell at their loving child.  And does your student really want to use the assignment that he wrote in English class as his application essay?  Why not write the best essay you’ve ever written in your life!  One that is uniquely you and captures your work ethic, your values, and your heart…  We have found that if you can tell us your story, you can write it.  We watch you do it, day after day, client after client.

         After years of experience with students, resulting in hundreds of case studies, we know how to make your hopes and dreams come true.  We have shelves of books that we refer to all the time.  We read and take notes, read and discuss, and read and laugh.  Oh yes, the college process can be loads of fun.  After all, the kids we work with certainly are!


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