If you have recently opened a slew of envelopes from the schools you applied to and found that they weren’t all “Yes! We’d love for you attend!” you might be feeling some honest disappointment. We have noticed that even when students are accepted to their first choice school, but are Wait Listed at their second choice school, there is a feeling of sadness.
Please don’t take this personally. If you have worked with us, we assure you, each school took extra time with your application because it was done in your best voice. We made sure of that. If you want to pursue a school where you were denied admission, call us. We’ll see what we can do. But, if you were Wait Listed and absolutely want to attend that school, there is a lot to be done!
The Wait List is a school’s chance to admit a full freshman class for the 2011 school year. Admissions people do a lot of guessing about numbers. They don’t want to accept too many and they don’t want to accept too few. They want to get it just right. The Wait List is the tool to let them do their job and your chance to decide if you really want to attend University A or College B. Which is truly right for you? You were accepted at one, but Wait Listed at the other.
If you want to remain on the Wait List at College B, return the enclosed response card that came with your letter. If you really, really want to attend that school, you need to write a letter indicating how sincerely you wish to attend that school. In addition, the school where you are Wait Listed would love to hear that you can 1) pay full tuition, and 2) that if they accept you, you will attend. The more sincerely you communicate your desire to attend, the more seriously they will consider moving you from the Wait List. Also, it helps if you have any new information to add about yourself, i.e. just got published in the local paper!
If you are able, please visit both University A and College B. Visiting a school where you are Wait Listed will indicate to that school your sincere desire to attend. It will also give you one last look. These are emotional times. Maybe you got a little money from University A. Being accepted from the Wait List usually means you will not also receive a monetary gift. Consider and reflect. This is all about you. --PB
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